Our Company

Nadir Ansari, P. Eng. - Founder

Nadir started as the first employee of Brian Isherwood in 1987, a niche consultant in the Geostructural field. Isherwood Geostructural Engineers is now widely known as being on the design team for Toronto landmarks such as the CN Tower, the Skydome (Rogers Centre), the Canadian Opera Company. 

Nadir has been actively involved in the analysis, design, review, field inspection, and monitoring of over 1500 structures across Canada and in the US, Mexico, and the Caribbean.  He is involved in the improvement of in-situ soil reinforcing techniques and works closely with local contractors and developers to advance soil-nailed, micropile, and ground-improvement design. He is a major proponent of the Observational Method, precision geotechnical instrumentation and monitoring, and the prediction of earth and building movements related to excavations (including finite element analysis modelling).  A couple of Nadir's most memorable projects include the Princess of Wales Theatre, the Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) Rescue Shaft, Pier 27, and the Sir Adam Beck Tunnel Cofferdam.

Nadir was born in Amman, Jordan, and grew up in London, Ontario.  He completed his Master's thesis on Statistical Modeling of Bridge Loading from University of Western Ontario.  He is a proud member of ten professional associations including the Deep Foundations Institute, the Professional Engineers Ontario, the ADSC International Association of Foundation Drilling, the International Society for Micropiles, the Tunneling Association of Canada, and WPO - World Presidents Organization. 

Nadir's personal interests vary widely and include gastronomy, performance in orchestras and chamber music ensembles, travel, languages, reading, collecting automotive art, and any learning opportunities with social content.