Monir is dedicated to providing our clients with the best field instrumentation monitoring in the business. By focusing on quality of service, we differentiate ourselves from our competition. We strive to be the industry leader by providing our clients with the soundest information possible. We are dedicated to providing a safe, enjoyable work environment for our employees, emphasize a balanced family-work environment and compensate our employees and shareholders for their commitment and hard work.
As a monitoring company it is important for us to develop and follow standardized procedures for all aspects of our operations. Our Quality Management System (QMS) provides the foundation for the development, standardization and improvement of our processes.
Our QMS requires each of our employees to have a personal development plan that identifies their roles, responsibilities, training needs and personal interests. Resources and training are provided allowing our employees to develop, personally and professionally, while meeting our safety, performance and quality goals.
In order to meet our goals, we develop strategy and set measurable objectives. We recognize the key to our success is to have commitment from our employees by involving them in setting of strategy, tracking of goals and measuring objectives. The process allows us to work towards continual improvement by measuring and optimizing our performance.
Our QMS ensures Monir is providing high quality, reliable service to our clients with the goal of meeting or exceeding their expectations.
We are committed to a QMS that encourages and supports:
What is important to remember along the way?
Precision Monitoring Inc. is committed to providing and maintaining a working
environment that ensures the health and safety of our team members,
subcontractors and the public at large.
Our safety philosophy is that regular and continuous training of team members assists in developing and maintaining safe work habits while also helping to build a strong culture of safety. This in turn puts safety at the forefront of every decision from our team in the workplace and on the job site. Each team member has a responsibility for safety and it is a core function of each individual’s role at Monir. We believe that everyone has both the right and the responsibility to speak out when they see something not in accordance with this philosophy. We are all empowered to stop any work we deem to be unsafe. We take pride in working safe and strive to be leaders in our industry by actively working with our team and industry colleagues to prevent accidents, injuries, occupational illness and incidents by making sure health and safety is at the heart of everything we do.
Our programs and commitment demonstrate that we value being good corporate citizens working towards an accident-free workplace. Accidents are never an acceptable risk in our business. Our health and safety program is as an integral part of our Quality Management System and therefore undergoes an annual review. Any changes or revisions follow our document control procedure, ensuring communication to all involved.
Success in areas of health and safety requires commitment, dedication, participation and cooperation of all team members within our organization and with whom we work alongside on a daily basis. Specific guidelines and policies have been developed, in compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act and relevant Regulations, to assist every team member in making the right choices regarding health and safety issues and personal safety. We are all encouraged to identify opportunities for the continual improvement of our health and safety program as fresh eyes and different perspectives are key to a well-developed and all-encompassing program.
The Internal Responsibility System means that every team member has a voice, and direct responsibility for health and safety as an essential part of their role. Health and safety is a primary focus for us all. We never, under any circumstance, expect anyone to work in an unsafe or unhealthy manner, no matter what. Health and safety violations, by a team member or a subcontractor, will be viewed as a major breach of our company safety philosophy and our policies. Violations are grounds for immediate disciplinary action up to dismissal.
In the event that anyone on our team should sustain an injury, we will make every reasonable effort to provide suitable return to work opportunities for anyone who is unable to perform his or her regular duties following a work-related injury or illness.
the following every working day: WORKING
The goal of the Accessibility for
Ontarians with Disabilities Act is to make Ontario accessible to people with
disabilities. The Accessibility Standards for Customer Service have been
created to ensure that goods and services are accessible to all Ontarians and
that persons with disabilities are treated with respect, dignity and equality.
Monir Precision Monitoring Inc. is committed to excellence in serving all our clients and providing an accessible and inclusive work environment.
In keeping with our company values
and fundamental principles, we shall make every practical effort to ensure our
policies, procedures and practices adhere to the guiding principles established
in the Accessibility Standards for Customer Service.
Monir Precision Monitoring Inc. recognizes that some clients use assistive devices in order to access or benefit from our services. We will use our best efforts to accommodate all assistive devices of our clients.
are committed to communicating with people using the best methods that
accommodates their individual needs. Communications may be via e-mail,
telephone or in person depending on their preference. As technology continues
to change and improve, we commit to investigating the best solutions for our interactions
with our clients.
welcome individuals and their service animals at any time they would like to
visit us at our office location.
who is accompanied by a support person will be welcomed at any time, and
the event of a planned or unexpected disruption to services or facilities for clients
requiring accommodations (i.e. renovation of the accessible washroom) , we
commit to notifying clients promptly of
such disruptions by email, telephone or face to face communication. A notice
will also be posted (if applicable) and will include information about the
reason for the disruption, its anticipated length of time, and a description of
alternative facilities or services, if available.
Training is provided to all employees as they join our team, and refreshed regularly. This training includes:
- An overview of the current Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act and the requirements of the customer service standard.
- Monir's Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities (AODA) Customer Service Plan.
- How to interact and communicate with people with various types of disabilities.
- How to interact with people with disabilities who use an assistive device or require the assistance of a service animal or a support person.
- What to do if a person with a disability is having difficulty accessing Monir's services.
or the general public who wish to provide feedback on our methods of providing
accommodations to individuals can email, call, or contact us in person. All feedback will be directed to
our Controller and General Manager. Those generous enough to share their
feedback with us can expect to hear back within 1 business day.
value constructive feedback from all those we interact with. All suggestions
will be reviewed and addressed to see that they fit with our company
philosophies and that they promote independence and dignity for all, but
especially for those requiring accommodations.
policy and information related to accessibility are provided within our Health
and Safety Manual as well as posted on our website for anyone to access easily.
To contact our office for further information, we can be reached through the following methods.
Phone: 905-822-0090
1 833 31 MONIR
Address: 3100 Ridgeway Dr Unit 15
L5L 5M5
Leanne Squire
Executive Assistant
Liliana Cordoba
Technical Sales
Samantha Over
Business Development Manager
Brian Tigani
Vibration Manager
Cindy Lattimore
Condition Survey Manager
Jennifer Johnston
Project Coordinator
Guillermo Aristizabal
Technology Specialist
Gualberto Calonia
Survey Specialist
Greg Rutherford
Instrumentation Specialist
Ruel Dominguez
Survey Specialist
Younas Abbas
Director IT Operations
Kristian Dumale
Survey Specialist
Murugesu Yogarajah (Yoga)
Survey Specialist
Mark Girin
Survey Specialist
Fred Mizal
Monitoring Specialist
Marina Selcuk
Admin Assistant
Gil Mizal
Monitoring Specialist
Reynaldo Anciano
Survey Specialist
Yuan Jiang (Jason)
Survey Assistant
Paul Galvez
Field Support
Ken Death
Wing Lam
Monitoring Specialist