Our Company

Samantha Ford - President

Samantha joined Monir in 2002 as one of its first employees, after spending a few years with our sister company, Isherwood Geostructural EngineersHaving accumulated years of experience within every aspect of our business-- from completing installations and taking readings to the management of some very challenging and complex monitoring scopes-- Samantha has developed a keen understanding for what it takes to carry out a meaningful monitoring program and how that integrates into the project deliverables.

With a driving passion for using precision geotechnical instrumentation and monitoring to manage construction risks, Samantha has worked closely with instrument manufacturers, consultants, and contractors to develop systems that add value.

Samantha is a firm believer in providing the construction industry with fast, reliable and accurate monitoring data that brings peace of mind to those creating and bringing to life some of the most challenging engineering projects.